Blogging is hard!

So i haven’t blogged in quite a while, sorry about that. Two reasons, firstly iv been swamped with work, everything from interviews and articles to chicken poxy children and summer hollidays! Yes. Its been hell in my home. And secondly, because blogging is hard!
I must have opened the application on my phone hundreds of times and my mind has gone completely blank. I could tell you what i did today? Ok here goes, i woke up, got out of bed, got washed and went to play with my kids. Whats that? You dont want to know what pictures my kids drew for me in what colour while telling me all about how they are going to be astronaut vets? Good, cos i have no idea what those scribbles are!
I could tell you about my new book? Ok then iv had a fantastic idea for a new book involving vampires and mermaids. I had the entire rough story within 24 hours and within one week i am ten thousand words into my first rough draft. But i dont want to tell you too much about that, except its a lot more adult which my first book Awake Again was before editing!
So… That pretty much leaves nothing else. And after pondering this issue for so long and eventualy thinking “i HAVE GOT TO post something NOW!” I decided to post about how hard it is to find something to post about! When i decided to go for it and get my book published i think somewhere deep inside i just assumed my life would magically change. But guess what, i still have mouldy toast inbetween my sofa cushions and my kids still throw up on me. Seriously??? Grass greener? This was NOT suposed to happen lol.

My point is i followed my dream and even though it might not have worked exactly as i wanted it to… Im no worse off 🙂 and thats always a bonus in my book! No pun intended